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Free Tool: Assess Your Seasonal Search Ups and Downs

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Many search marketers mine for seasonality trends in site analytics but do not account for it in their market assessment process. Discover why seasonality in market assessment matters, learn several methods for exposing seasonality, and download a free worksheet that makes exposing seasonal search behavior a snap.

Google Adwords doesn’t tell you everything you need to know when you’re assessing market size to prepare for SEO implementation. The default view, for instance, doesn’t take into account the seasonal dips and spikes occurring in search volumeSearch Volume
Search volume refers to the number of search queries for a specific keyword in search engines such as Google.
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over time. But our free guide and tool will help you expose keywordKeyword
A keyword is what users write into a search engine when they want to find something specific.
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seasonality to inform SEO decision making and your market opportunity assessments. Not only will you be better positioned to fine-tune long-term SEO strategy, you can prioritize landing page modifications, content updates, and site optimization now with confidence.

Download your SEO seasonality guide and worksheet now.

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