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Keywords Report

Daily keyword ranking software

Monitor your daily and weekly search engine position for any keyword across all locations, languages, and devices with the leading rank-tracking technology.
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Focus in on your most important keywords

Track your keyword performance globally or filter by location, device, and search engine over time. See where you are winning and where you have new opportunities.

Stay ahead of global competitors

See how you stack up against the competition on a keyword level. Identify opportunities where you can create content to win the top spot.

Keep up with real-time rank tracking

With daily keyword rank tracking, you can always be sure you know what's happening with your most important keywords.

Find opportunities on the ever-evolving SERP

Learn which types of results, like images, videos, tweets, and answer boxes, are appearing for the keywords you care about.

The keyword tracking and analysis is wonderful. You can look high level, create segments, and dig deep into each search term to get all the information need.

Erika Nieman

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