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February 2024: Enjoying the Quiet Before Google's Next Move

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After a relatively quiet month, Google appears to be taking a bit of a break from shaking things up algorithm-wise. Pat advises using this calm period to assess where things stand, catch our breath, and get centered before the next wave of updates.

When it comes to ranking factors, Pat reminds us not to get caught up fretting over Core Web Vitals and E-E-A-T metrics. While no doubt important, they serve more as guidelines for creating fantastic user experiences rather than direct ranking signals.

As for the newest kid on the block - the potential SGE update - well, it seems Google’s still keeping things mysterious on that front. Whether and when it may launch remains anyone's guess. So for SEOs, ride the waves of uncertainty by focusing on what we can control - producing valuable content and continuously improving site quality.

The winds of change will assuredly blow our way again soon. But for now, let’s enjoy this moment of calm and use it for reflection. If we can work in harmony with Google’s vision, updates need not completely upend all SEO efforts.

This month, Pat covers -

  • Google Has Been Pretty Quiet The Last 30 Days
  • Healthcare Sites Were A Mixed Bag Last Year
  • Once Again, Core Web Vitals Are Not A Ranking Factor
  • Speaking Of Things Not Being Ranking Factors, Throw E-E-A-T In There
  • Friendly Reminder: INP To Replace FID On March 12th
  • This Month In SGE
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